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high toilet

Have you ever had the priviledge of using a toilet so short that it felt like your pants were still on? This isn't always easy, right; especially for some of the seniors and those who struggle with mobility. Lucky for you, this is where a tall toilet comes into play! As the name High Toilets states, they are manufactured higher in order than a normal toilet. They are a lot more comfortable for people of any age and ability than traditional toilets, and they also make cleaning your bathroom much easier as you save yourself from bending over too far.

Change to High Toilet with Easy Clean WC for a more hygienic and convenient way of using the toilet.

Did You Know That a Typical Toilet Has Thousands of Germs and Bacteria? It may come back bad but fear not. You can help ensure a cleaner, more sanitary bathroom by switching to an elevated toilet. High toilets are also easier to clean around due to the elevated position over pulling your knees further away from a standard height toilet. Furthermore, some higher-end toilets offer additional amenities to streamline maintenance and reduce the accumulation of germs.

5 Top Toilet Models To Carefully Consider

If you are considering upgrading to a high-power toilet, it can be difficult to know where not even clean. So that you can make an informed decision on this we have listed five of the top toilet models available in high height.

7- TOTO Drake II: Best toilet for the money. The most prominent flushing mechanism and user-friendly design.

Kohler Santa Rosa: A stylish and modern elongated toilet good for small bathroom bathrooms, but especially people with a modern touch.

Cadet 3 from American Standard - designed to save water, tub is eco-friendly for homeowners since it uses less water.

Why choose DUXIN high toilet?

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