

Mejorando su baño 

Everyone uses the Baño portátil. It is the place you begin and end each day. This DUXIN will be where you get ready and prep, so it should feel comfortable as well. 

If you are looking to upgrade the aesthetics of your bathroom then investing in a fashionable toilet is an excellent place to start. A high-quality toilet doesn't only add style to your bathroom but also takes the comfort game up by several notches. A front apron toilet includes a range of designs and materials from which you can choose the perfect one that suits your style. There is a bidet for everyone, whether you prefer contemporary styles or something more traditionally designed.

Ahorrando agua

You may have an outdated toilet that is using too much water, which isn't exactly environmentally friendly. Pre-1994 made toilets ended up using GALLONS of water per flush. Good thing newer inodoro are water-saver models! A water-saving toilet has a lower GPF and will only use the amount needed to clear wastes with every push - saving you money on your water bill as well. 

Pero primero, algunos datos interesantes sobre cómo funciona un inodoro. Otros sanitarios tienen doble pulsador, uno para residuos líquidos y otro para residuos sólidos. Usan un sistema de 2 botones, por lo que debe tirar uno para desechos livianos y ambos botones en rápida sucesión al vaciar los intestinos. Ahorra agua al usar la menor o mayor cantidad posible. ¡Este DUXIN es más ecológico y podría ahorrarle dinero en agua!

¿Por qué elegir el lavabo DUXIN?

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